Friday, January 22, 2010

A Little About You

You are like carbon dioxide. I don't need you, but I just can't get away from you.

You are like the darkness, I don't want you but the world wouldn't be complete without you.

You are like the shadow. I sometimes don't realize, but you are always around.

You are like the matryoshka doll. You don't show what's in you all at once, you surprise me by every little detail.

You are like my laptop. You don't cling to me, however at the end you'd pull me back to you because I'm the one who clings to you.

You are like the moon. Radiant, reflecting what is in my mind.

You are like the grass. Covering every inch of my heart and keep it in place.

You are like the flawed diamond. Imperfect, but still beautiful.

You are like... you. Just the person who prisons me with my feelings at the end.


Cheerio and now I still don't get it whether I really love you or not, please, help me.

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