Thursday, April 29, 2010


Guess that's what my future would be like.

I still hate plans. I still love spontaneous actions.

But one thing I don't mind to make plan about: having you in my life. Your smile, your laugh, your anger, your tears, your business, your ignorance, your silence, your silly jokes, your mood devastating caps lock, your frowning eyebrows, your writings, your voice, your friends, your disturbing existence, your verbose words, your randomness...

at the end, I hope we'll end up as great friends.
And that is something I can't plan.

And showers of attention to you even though you don't care.

Small post #2

I'm getting everything. I feel better, yet even more confused.
Bedazzled. Entwined.

Is this 4 years going to be worthy enough living?

Saturday, April 24, 2010


The turbulences and the tornado swept everything away, leaving only some ugly marks and sheer agitation of hopes.
Darling, you just can't have everything, can you?
As the raindrop vapours and banished, as the sun rises and beams, wipe away all the devastating dreams.
Stop your waiting and do a moving, darling you just can't long for everything can you?
Darkness may come and the moon is blinded by silver lights.
Was it your sight? Was it the night? Or darling, were you blinded?
So as far as we go and as high as the falcon flies, you draw the drawing and paint the painting and keep them locked in your crate.
Hey no, memories aren't supposed to go. Because darling, I believe this is just a twist of fate.

Just another just I try to convince myself.

To some people out there.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What if... had no where to go, stuck in a place you don't like, doing the thing you're not interested in, but at the end you can't let go of what you have right now?

I'm in my deepest hell about letting go or not.

And yes. It's about my college life.

Not-so-cheerio but anyway good night, sleep tight.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

And A Visual DNA

it's not like me to post this much in a very short time.
Guess I'm just in the mood to.


Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Siapa yang Tertangkap?

"Adek mau ditilang aja, atau mau saya bantu di sini?"

Pernyataan yang mengejutkan yang dilontarkan oleh penegak hukum dari kepolisian.

Dalam separo detik yang cepat berbagai pikiran melintas di kepala saya.

Bagi orang picik, 'bantuan' ini adalah jalan paling cepat.
Mempermudah urusan, waktu, biaya, dan tenaga bisa dihemat.
Bagi orang picik ia akan memilih dibantu mumpung ada peluang.
Pikirnya; toh dia untung dapat uang, saya untung bisa cepat pulang.
Bagi orang picik apalah arti selembar uang.
Apalagi kalau dibanding harus hadir dalam sidang atau membayar tilang.

Namun mungkin ada yang tidak setuju. Setidaknya saya.
Saya salah; saya seharusnya dihukum. Sepantasnya dihukum.
Saya salah; apapun usaha saya untuk berkelit, saya memang salah.
Saya salah dan saya mengakui itu.
Saya salah; lebih salah lagi kalau saya menyuap.

Tapi kalau hanya dengan alasan malas hadir ke sidang atau tidak mau membayar tilang lalu saya mengiyakan 'bantuan'?
Hanya karena takut dimarahi orangtua lalu saya nurut saja mengiyakan?

Tidak bisa. Tidak mau.

Saya bukan orang yang idealis. Tidak juga apatis.
Saya tidak setuju dengan korupsi. Tapi saya juga tahu gaji mereka sedikit.
Saya bukan pemerhati sosial. Bukan berarti saya tidak peduli sosial.

"Ditilang saja pak. Saya tahu saya salah."

Tidak perlu pendidikan tinggi untuk tahu mana benar mana salah.
Tidak perlu jadi mahasiswa hukum untuk menolak menyuap.
Tidak perlu banyak argumen untuk menyangkal.


Polisi itu mungkin punya anak. Anak yang bangga pada profesi ayahnya.
Kalau ia punya anak, tentu ia punya istri. Istri yang juga bangga pada suaminya.

Saya tidak mau menyuap, bukan karena alasan yang berat.
Saya hanya tidak ingin anak dan istrinya makan uang haram.
Itu saja.

(as posted in my FB notes. No, this time there won't be cheerios. Sorry.)

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Pasirmukti River and Mamay

I went to Pasirmukti last Friday. It was not a choice--I thought mom was going to take me to puncak or anywhere else with good food and cold climate (BROMO! How I wish it's holiday already so I can runaway to Bromo!) but instead, she took me to Pasirmukti. Pasirmukti is an 'agrowisata' park, just like Mekarsari (yeah I went there too, was quite nice especially the Honeydews :p). Located in Cibinong, it was near the Cibinong cement manufacturer. Don't ask me how mom knew the place, it was hiddeng but the cars which were going there in front of my car was an Alphard and a BMW, so I guess the place was kinda popular.

When we arrived, the first thing we--me, mom, and my li'l sis--did was eat some lunch since I only had some martabak in the morning and my sister hadn't had anything for breakfast. The nasi goreng was quite nice but I couldn't stand the prawns, it smelled bad but then mom told me it's because I'm not used to not-fresh seafoods. Well gotta admit that I hardly eat seafoods anyway ahaha.

After that, I was thinking that me and my sis were gonna play something like ATV or flying fox. In a moment, I was not so excited because it was something usual for me. I don't get the excitement of it since I can find it just anywhere (the one in Outbond Holic ancol was waaaay cooler). But then mom took us to a river nearby--she also brought a box of food--and called a little girl named Mamay.

Apparently, mom and my sis came here the day before. They met this little girl named Mamay, a 3rd grade local girl who lived just up the river. She ate the food mom brought her, and then showed us around. She knew every little inch of the river. She told us where to be careful because it was slippery, where to walk so we wouldn't be caught by the river current, she even had her favourite pool with small but strong streams that made it like a jacuzzi. It was really cool. She also told us there were a stone where we could slide and which stone are safe to sleep on without having to gulp any water ;)

A moment later, her friends came and we all played together. They were all my sister's age, but they are so skinny and their skin are dark--guess because they play in the river everyday. But then Mamay told me that everyday she only eats rice with kerupuk. Oh God was I surprised when she told me that because she could stand the strong river currents while I couldn't! Mamay could swim the fastest, dive the deepest, and hold breath the longest in the water. She could walk really fast across the river and she knew where she could jump from a stone to the river safely--because there are rocks inside the river. And she knew when the flood would come and told us to finish. Her friends also knew how to tell (airnya jadi hangat, kak. Kalau airnya hangat, berarti sebentar lagi banjir datang--said Iis, one of Mamay's friend to me. Yes she talked in a really formal Indonesian).

It was fun, but it was also sad for me to know that these little girls lives nearby a very big agrowisata park (which was expensive) without getting any advantages nor help considering their poor subsistence. They are really nice, pure, innocent, and curious and are the most polite and cheerful kids I've ever met. They made me some things using grey clay--yes, the stone in the river was the main source for the Cibinong cement industry--like cakes, tumpeng, houses, even Mamay made me a godzilla! :) They are sooo creative and I wish they could continue their study and broaden their knowledge, I believe pure hearts like them can bring Indonesia to a better situation. Because that's what Indonesia really need: pure hearts. As for Mamay, I wish she could be a swimming athlete. I'm sure Phelps would drop his jaw when he sees Mamay swimming (and she learnt how to swim by herself! :D )

And I can't help but to smile and thank them as Monita said before my family went home,
'Hati-hati di jalan, semoga keselamatan selalu bersama ibuk dan kakak!'
Cheerio :)

ps. I love them sooo much I wish I could go there again as soon as possible! :)
pps. If you're planning to swim in Pasirmukti's river, mind this: don't wear your favourite jeans. The rocks was hard enought to break jeans. I was shocked when I saw my jeans was teared after playing there.